Now streaming on Broadway HD, Indecent is a play about a play...and a very important one, indeed. God of Vengeance opened on Broadway in 1923 with the first lesbian kiss on a Broadway stage and the cast was arrested as soon as the curtain came down. This extremely relevant play tells us the story leading up to that moment and what happens next. It’s so clear why it won two Tony Awards in 2017!

Photos: Carol Rosegg

Women shine in every aspect of Indecent all the way from the producer to the writer, director, and cast. Director Rebecca Taichman (who won a Tony Award for this show in 2017) takes Pulitzer-winning playwright Paula Vogel words and highlights the talent of the female-centric ensemble. Vogel is a LEGEND of the American Theatre and made her Broadway debut with this show! Producer Daryl Roth has a knack for getting Pulitzer-winning plays to Broadway (she has produced more than anyone else!) and truly championed this gem. And of course, the always so amazing Katrina Lenk is the star that she always is! Check out this throwback from 2017 when Sam went to their opening night!

Stream Indecent on Broadway HD now!