Banner Image: Chris Nash

London's Barely Methodical Troupe's Bromance has stopped in NYC and you don't want to miss this captivating show. The three performers do a mix of parkour, circus tricks, b-boying, and acrobatics while they explore the idea of male friendship can translate physically. These dudes are hilarious, so you might be prepared for some of their hilarious antics, but you might not expect to be moved as the show pushes all sorts of boundaries. It's pretty awesome...

Their performances are inspired, wildly impressive, and literally breathtaking at times. Even better? Their music choices are dopppppe! Check out some of the bros' moves in the video below to get a sense of what the show is all about.

The show is recommended for children ages 7 and up, but adults will definitely enjoy this on their own as well!

Bromance runs through February 25 at the (very cool!) New Victory Theater.